If anyone of you have still not get themselves enriched with Junaid Jamshed Naat collection CD he must get it now because it is undoubtedly makes you feel pleasant along with the sweet voice of Junaid Jamshed.

His collection is based upon wide varieties of heart throbbing Naat that certainly enforces the person towards the Islam. Likewise every year this year as well Junaid Jamshed has launched his Naat album for 2012. Junaid Jamshed is also the landlord of one of the famous brands of Pakistan entitled as JJ and he is occasionally opened his several outlets in many cities of Pakistan. Ilahi Teri chokhat par Maulaya salli wa salimm Muhammad (SAW) ka roza qareeb Mera Dil Badal dy Makkah yad ata hy Mere nabi pyary nabi Qaseeda Burda Shareef Main to ummati hun Ae taiba There are many other Naat and Hamd that Junaid Jamshed had recited. He began to recite Naat and soon he launched his foremost album named as Jalwa-e-Janan in 2005, Mehboob-e-Yazdeen in 2006 and Badee-uzZaman in 2009. Here is the list of some Naat recited by Junaid Jamshed that are famous. However, in 2000 unfortunately Junaid Jamshed step back from the singing world and put forward all his attention on enlightening his mind with the teachings of Islam. Their songs Dil Dil Pakistan was one of the track breaking songs of 1987 and afterwards in 1994 he introduced his own individual album of songs that mainly includes Us Rah Par and Dil Ki Bat that were also one of the smashing blockbusters in 19 th century. He put his foremost step into the music industry in a form of pop band that is famously known as Vital Group all over the world. Junaid Jamshed is one of the well known and recognized singers in Pakistan Music Industry.